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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Christofias wins endorsement before Cyprus runoff

Cyprus's third largest political party endorsed communist Demetris Christofias on Wednesday for the island nation's February 24 presidential runoff, giving him a decisive edge over challenger Ioannis Kassoulides.

"The decision serves the best interests of the party," said Democratic Party president Marios Karoyan.
Christofias's bid won the most support from the group in a secret ballot.

The Democratic Party was the largest of a five member coalition to support hardliner incumbent Tassos Papadopoulos's failed bid for re-election.

Christofias, 62, and right-wing backed Kassoulides, 59, have pledged to pursue peace talks with Turkish Cypriots on the ethnically divided island, split in a Turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a brief Greek-inspired coup.

The conflict is harming Turkey's hopes of joining the European Union, where Cyprus is now represented by its Greek Cypriots.

Kassoulides got 33.5 percent of the first round vote and Christofias 33.2 percent. Papadopoulos followed with 31.7 percent. The Democratic Party mustered 17.9 percent in the island's 2006 parliamentary elections.

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