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Saturday, April 7, 2007

UK: We are unable to control property development in North

The British government is unable to control property development in Northern Cyprus, British Minister for Europe Geoff Hoon has said. He made the statement while replying to questions tabled at the House of Commons by British MP Edward O’Hara.

O’Hara asked the British government what representations had been received on proposals for the development of land in the Guzelyurt area of North Cyprus for touristic purposes and he also asked for clarification on the proposals to distribute Greek Cypriot-owned land in the area to young Turkish settlers and what steps are planned in response to these proposals.

Hoon said that his Government is aware of property development in the Guzelyurt area, adding that Britain maintains a dialogue with the Turkish Cypriot community leaders on the issue of property: “But we are unable to control property development in northern Cyprus.”

He also stated that: “We believe that the difficult and complex issue of property is only likely to be resolved in the context of a comprehensive settlement,” calling for both sides to engage constructively with the United Nations to enable settlement negotiations to start as soon as possible.

On 8 July 2006, Greek Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos and Turkish Cypriot President Mehmet Ali Talat agreed to begin a process of bicommunal discussions on issues that affect the day-to-day life of the people and those that concern substantive issues in the presence of former UN UnderSecretary-General Ibrahim Gambari, however the process has barely progressed since then.

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